Tuesday, June 21, 2011


When he turned three months, James started sleeping through the night all on his own.  This was a very different experience for us compared to Anna.  She was not a difficult baby by any means, but she definitely took some coaxing and encouragement (i.e., crying it out) to start sleeping through the night.  Anna was a paci baby which worked great in the long run, but there were a few agonizing months where she did not have the ability to pick up the paci and put it in her mouth.  So, she would fall asleep with the paci, wake up when it fell out and scream until we put it back in.  Once she had the coordination to pick it up and navigate it to her mouth, all was fantastic (and to encourage this we scattered about 10 pacis in her crib).  James on the other hand quickly mastered thumb-sucking.  I'm very happy for the moment because he is a pro self-soother.  However, I'm somewhat nervous about what the future holds if we have to break him of the habit.  Taking away the paci was easy...a thumb, not so much.  I am envisioning all kinds of weird dental devices, hot sauce and stinky nail polishes - hopefully we don't have to go there.  For now though, I'll focus on the adorableness of a baby sucking his thumb.

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