Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Latest Obsession

Pinky pie. Scootaloo. Applejack. Princesses Celestia and Luna. The lands of the lands of Equestria and Canterlot…

If you'd said those words to me four months ago I would have had no idea what you were referring to. Today, however, they are part of our household vernacular thanks to Anna's new obsession, My Little Pony.

I wrote awhile ago about her love of princesses, and while she still very fond of them, these ponies have definitely galloped in and stolen some of the thunder.

We know more about ponies and unicorns and pegasus-unicorns (!) and cutie marks than I ever would have thought possible. Did you know ponies drink tea and have their own tea sets? Did you know they wear dresses? And that some ponies have pets? Well now you do.

The girl plays does play nonstop with these ponies. The most common question in our house of late is, "Can we play ponies now?". (I've been asked this question many times at 6:30 a.m. with Anna standing at my bedside).

Most of the time I'm happy to oblige (never pre-coffee, though). I do admit that I suffer from the occasional bouts of pony burnout. At those times, I try to exercise patience and try really hard to remember that her imagination (which we adults don't use enough) and energy (which kids have in endless supply) is a good thing.

I'm sure in the future I'll be longing for the day when her obsession was My Little Pony versus the newest boy band of the moment. Although considering the amount of NKOTB paraphernalia I owned, I'll probably like them, too...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

School days

Ahh, Fall is in the air.  School days.  August 13.  Wait, what?  August 13?  Yes, the first day of school this year was smack in the middle of what I consider summer. But, nonetheless, Anna was excited and, unbelievably, off to Pre-Kindergarten.  She started a new school this year, which added to the excitement - and a touch of trepidation on Anna's part.

However, some of the nervousness was abated by the presence of familiar faces - several of Anna's neighborhood friends, and her "best" big friend, Hayla, all go to the school.  And, another familiar face helped...Cruz!  Yes, the two who have known each other since they were 4 months old, are now in the same school and class.

On the first day of school I walked Anna into her class, and she held my hand tightly until we got through the door.  Then, like the independent girl she is, she confidently walked over to her cubby, hung up her bag, and said, "Ok, mom, you can go now."

Not so fast, little one!

UPDATE: On the third day of school, while driving Anna home, she was quiet in the backseat.  I was asking her about her day and she was being pretty mum.  Then, with a sigh, she says, "Mom, I think I pretty much know everything, so I don't need to go back to school." Too funny.  She's singing a different tune three weeks in, loving her new school, teachers, and friends.  She's found her groove...