Monday, March 2, 2009

We Moved Here for the Weather

One day after eight years in Boston and yet another seemingly interminable winter, I looked at Jason and practically begged to move somewhere warm.

I like snow and cold as much as the next person, but living under a gloomy gray sky with practically no sun for five months each year was beginning to wear on me. Plus I'd landed on my backside one too many times on our ice skating rink of a driveway...So, we packed up Tope and headed to the ATL aka Hot-Lanta.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered it snows in Hot-lanta pretty much every year. But now I enjoy it! Each winter we get to experience snow's beautiful visual effect for a day or so. Not 150 days. And it melts here before it has a chance to turn yellow, brown, black and gross from cars, salt, and dogs.

Yesterday we got our annual snow and it was a doozy - almost three inches! To make it extra special, my mom and sister were visiting from South Florida so we frolicked and built a (somewhat sad) little snowman. Yes, that is a celery nose (we were out of carrots).

Anna didn't quite know what to make of the snow. She's had a somewhat tenuous relationship with snow in the past...

(Anna not loving snow in Vermont last year)

This time she liked watching the snow from the window and door (as did Tope).

Once outside in the cold stuff, though, she didn't really know how to respond. So, she did nothing.

When inside, she would stand at the door and request snow - she probably ate about 10 snowballs yesterday. Hey, I figured it kept her hydrated...

All in all we had a fun day and the snow is still on the ground this morning. The sun is out so I don't expect it to last long, but it was a nice way to wrap up winter before we head into the Hot-Lanta summer. Come mid-July we'll be wishing for another snowday!

Here are a few more shots from the day…

Mom & Anna

This stuff is cold!

Gramma & Anna

Maddie, the Snow Angel, and a mouthful of snow

A 2008-2009 Comparison

Anna & Dad, January 2008

Anna & Dad, March 2009

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