Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waiting for Change

The final countdown has commenced for the arrival of the as-of-yet-unamed baby boy.  I am very excited for us to transition to a party of 4, but I also want to embrace these last few days as a party of 3.

On a recent beautiful weekend morning we headed to breakfast and then to the park.  A park outing for us is usually about 45 minutes long but on this day we ended up staying for 2+ hours because the weather was so nice, Anna was having a blast, and we had hot coffee to keep us going.

After swinging, sliding, running and scootering to her heart's content, Anna took a little rest on "the belly". 

She then asked if we could bring her baby brother to the park one day.  So, I'm not the only one with the upcoming expansion on my mind - and I'm glad she thought this outing would be worthy of sharing in the future.

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