Monday, September 28, 2009

Kicking the Habit

As I write this I am amazed at the quiet in the house. Amazed because tonight is night three that we are "paci"-free.

I have been dreading this event because Anna has been a pacifier baby from day one. Like all good things, the paci has been both a blessing and a curse. I remember well the 3-week period when Anna would fall blissfully asleep with the paci and then wake up wailing 5-10 minutes later when it fell out of her mouth. This occurred for hours on end. Nerves were frazzled.

I remember practically jumping for joy on the day Anna successfully picked-up her paci and manuevered it into her mouth on her own and soothed herself to back to sleep. The next day we scattered seven pacifiers around her crib and never looked back.

At the beginning we let her have the pacifier pretty much all the time (we followed "The Happiest Baby on the Block's" 5 S's to a T!). Eventually we started limiting it to bedtime only, but were fairly lackadaisical about it (especially daddy!).

When we were at the beach a few weeks ago, I knew the paci's days were numbered because Anna started biting through the tips, creating a real choking concern. We had to throw purple paci away, an act which horrified Anna. She kept going to the trash can and trying to dig purple out. Saying goodbye to purple put the paci biting into submission (for a few weeks). Then, earlier this week, the biting returned and in quick succession we had to trash pink and two greens (which I actually kept and are pictured can see the bite marks), leaving us with one lone soldier.

A pivotal decision loomed - either buy new pacis and postpone the inevitable, or bite the bullet. After much internal deliberation and discussion with Jason (who kept saying I was WAY overthinking this but he would support whatever I decided to do but could I please wait until he was traveling to take away the paci...(uh, no, mister)), I woke up Saturday with a determined outlook. It was time.

After the first paci biting incident in Cape Cod, we began talking to Anna about giving the pacis to "the babies" soon. A toddler's mind fascintes me daily, it is amazing how much they understand (everything!). It quickly became clear that Anna was grasping and processing the situation because she brought it up often on her own saying, "Paci...bite...away...babies." I wish I could have captured the serious look on her face each time she said this.

So, on Saturday, Anna took her last nap with a paci. When she woke, I told her it was time to give the pacis to the babies. And she was game. Sort of. She reluctantly put her paci in the bag I handed to her but then got very upset when I wouldn't let her take it out. When we headed outside, in the pouring rain, to put the bag in the mailbox so the mailman could take the paci to "the babies", I felt like the worst, meanest person in the world. After I pried the bag out of her deathgrip, placed it in the mailbox and closed the door, I could barely hold Anna because she was protesting so wildly, demanding we get the paci from the mailbox.

Once inside, we offered her ice cream, which she REFUSED! This drove home the magnitude of paci-removal in Anna's world because she never passes on ice cream. Eventually she accepted a popsicle, but she was the saddest popsicle-eating baby I have ever seen.

At that point I almost retrieved the paci, but then came to my senses when Jason reminded me that it would never be easy an easy task. I likened the situation to that of a heroin addict going cold turkey. He said I was exaggerating. Darn his rational thinking.

In order to further soften the paci-removal blow, I had prepared a surprise for Anna - her first real doll and a stroller. When she finished her popsicle we unveiled the doll and the smile on her face literally lit up the room. Paci forgotten, baby doll and stroller save the day.

I was dreading putting Anna down for bed that night, but she surprised me by only asking for the paci once and going to bed with no protests. Sunday she asked for the paci a few times during the day, but went to bed easily. She did have one crying jag late Sunday night, but never asked for the paci, so who knows...

Which brings me to tonight. Aside from requesting a few extra stories and to have her baby in bed with her, all went as usual. I'm not ready to declare total victory on the pacifier transition, but I have high hopes that we'll get through with no major incidents.

As you can see from the above pictures, the pacifier was by no means Anna's only comfort item (Bunny is numero uno, followed by an army of other pals, The Guys included) maybe she wasn't nearly as dependent on it as I thought. Her nanny said Anna never asked for the paci today but she did overhear her talking to herself at one point. She said, "Paci. No. All gone."

How can a baby be so grown up?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beach Baby

Well, I can't believe we are back from the beach and already back into the grind. When we got home on Saturday I told Jason that I was now in need of a Stay-cation (a.k.a. a week at home) to prepare myself before heading back into the real world. Alas, that did not happen...

We had a fantastic, relaxing trip. Maybe too relaxing, hence the need for more time to adjust to reality. The weather, which is always touch and go in Wellfleet at this time of year, cooperated and we were treated to beautiful sunny beach days and crispy cool nights.

Anna blossomed this year at the beach. It's amazing to see the difference over last year. Last year she was a baby, not walking yet, and only interested in eating sand. This year she tromped all over the beach as if she owned the place (wouldn't that be nice!?!). She still ate sand.

Anna - Wellfleet - 2008

She especially loved collecting shells and decorating sand castles, a project she took very seriously. She had such a look of concentration on her face and would talk to herself, saying, "ok, good. ok, good." each time she put a shell in place. It was hysterical to watch.

We also got to spend time with Grammy, Fa Fa and our good friends Rick and Cristina and their kids Ryan and Gabi. Anna was in immediate awe of Gabi when she walked into the house bearing a container with about 20 Barbies. That cemented their friends-for-life pact. And, they had matching swimsuit cover ups to boot (a total coincidence)!

Ryan, Gabi, Anna & Jason fishing for crabs

We passed the days in easy enjoyment of the simple life. I think I've mentioned before that our cottage does not have TV and, for those who know me well, know that I am a TV buff. It's always a comfort to me when I realize how I can easily disconnect and live without my shows - it makes me think I'm not too addicted (although that's probably the exact statement an addict would make...). Anyways, I got in some good reading and Anna wanted in on the fun, too. You can't see it in this picture, but her book is titled, "Just Like Mommy". How appropriate!

There's not much more to say other than I can't wait for next year! Here are a few more pics from the trip.

She played with these bottle caps for a good 45 minutes!

Anna holding down the fort

She REALLY wanted to go kayaking

Hey, wait for me!

Downtime in the cottage

Low tide walk with Dad

Sunset shoulder ride

Is there something in my teeth?

Playing with friends during sunset

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Purr-fect Dozen

We are headed to Wellfleet for our annual get-away and I can barely contain my excitement. Let's just say work has been crazy busy lately and the thought of disconnecting is truly liberating. Of course, I'm procastinating like a pro by posting this babble instead of packing...

So far the weather is looking great, so we should have no repeats of our 4th of July travel catastrophe.

Unfortunately, for the second year in a row Tope won't be making the trip. Jason is joining us from New York so there is no way I can shuttle both Anna and Tope through airport security on my own. I feel very guilty about leaving her here, but I know she is in good hands!

Speaking of Miss Tope, yesterday she rang in her 12th birthday - with a can of tuna! I can't believe she is 12 years old, although you would never know it given her activity level. She's really only dialed down a notch or two from her kitten years.

In the last six months or so she has become so tolerant of Anna, who is obsessed with Tope (or "Bo-pay" as Anna calls her). Now, don't get me wrong, Tope will still run from the room faster than greased lightning when Anna approaches with any type of liquid or toy on wheels (she only had to get her tail squashed once by the wagon to learn that lesson), but I am amazed at some of the other activities she puts up with.

Take the photo below, for example: One afternoon Tope sat docilely by while Anna adorned her with stickers.

She also will join us in Anna's room while we read bedtime stories and allows Anna to kiss her goodnight each evening. It really is sweet, although on the nights Tope doesn't make her way in voluntarily, you can rest assured she is hunted down and prodded by Anna shouting, "Bo-pay! Come 'ere! Night night!."

So, Tope Louise Turner Bergstrom, we will miss you this week (but I promise we'll be back soon). No scratching the carpet while we're gone!

I'm sure we'll get some pictures up during the week. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a fantastic long weekend!