Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin, part deux

Our pumpkin is now officially a Jack-o-lantern! We carved the big guy up last weekend in preparation for Fontana's first Halloween (Fontana is Jason's nickname for Anna. Or, more aptly, her nickname is The in, "Amy, The Fontana is crying and needs you." He says that a lot). I digress...

While she didn't actively participate in the carving (we felt that naptime provided the ideal pumpkin carving time), she did enjoy the result.

You'll notice a purple witch hat throughout these actually belongs to the family member in the last photo. But, as you can see, she does NOT enjoy wearing it.

Pre-carving fun with Hayla

Poor Tope...

1 comment:

Elizabeth Seymour said...

Um, are you going to explain the Fontana nickname, or what??!