Friday, December 9, 2011

Look Who's Four

Happy birthday, my sweet Anna.  I cannot believe you are four years old.  During the last year we've been so caught up in cataloguing a certain baby's developments and milestones, but don't think I haven't been watching you, too.  During this last year you have learned to write and count to 30 (sure, 12-15 give you some problems, but, hey, who's counting...).  You can skip and gallop and hop on one foot.  You love gymnastics and of course, dancing.  You sing loudly and with abandon.  You have perfected whining.  You have a vivid imagination.  You can pump your legs while you swing.  In fact, you have probably set a Guiness record for time spent in a "big girl" swing. You love princesses.  You push scissors, tape, glue and glitter to their utmost limits in your desire to "do crafts".  Bunny and bear remain your closest confidants.  You talk in your sleep.  You like to have your hair braided and "beautiful".  You are wary of babysitters.  You refer to every sport as football.  You are a pro on your scooter, often scaring the bejesus out of me.  You want to see your friends everyday.  You like doing homework.  You want mommy to put you to bed every night(!).  You say, "Are you kidding me?!?" and roll your eyes whenever something strikes you as odd or silly.  You sometimes call your dad "Jason" or "Jace", which cracks me up.  You can chew the heck out of a piece of bubblegum (girl after my own heart).  You adore your brother.  You are a bright, funny, entertaining, challenging, spirited little girl.  Over the last year your world was turned upside down with the entry of one little guy and you have weathered the "James storm" with flying colors.  I love you my sweet girl (even when you demostrate your perfect whining).
The big four year old
Flash back to Anna at two months
Tinta the Elf rallied the gang to surprise Anna on her birthday!
This was her reaction to their gathering :)!!
Princess cake!
The calm before the birthday party storm...
...& the aftermath.

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