Friday, July 3, 2009

We'll Get There Eventually...We Think

We had a crazy travel day yesterday and I wanted to document it for the books. We travel a fair amount and have been blessed by the travel powers that be. Until yesterday...

We were headed to Truro on Cape Cod to visit Jason's parents. This requires a flight to Boston and then a 2.5 hour drive 3 or a 15 minute flight (think the TV show Wings - planes where they ask you how much you weigh when you get on and then direct you to a seat to even out the weight).

We have opted for the puddle jumper for the last 6 years and have had nearly no issues. The one thing that kills the litle flights, however, is rain and fog and Boston has been having a tough go of weather recently. So, we found ourselves stranded in Boston last night, staying at the airport Hilton.

To add further joy to the unplanned layover, neither Delta nor Cape Air could locate our bags. And, of course I broke the cardinal "when traveling with a baby be sure to stock your diaper bag with a change of clothes and enough supplies to make it through one night in the event of an unexpected delay" rule...which meant we had to buy Anna a t-shirt from the hotel gift shop for PJs (and being from the gift shop we got it for the bargain price of $18.50). Luckily I did pack plenty of diapers.

I washed her dress in the bathroom sink to remove the numerous ketchup spots from dinner and hoped it would be dry by morning. Which of course it wasn't (but it was spotless!), she got to enjoy breakfast in her new Red Sox shirt. Oh, and she didn't have any shoes on either because somehow we managed to lose them in our hotel room. Needless to say we got several funny looks from the other diners in the restaurant.

Upon waking, the fog looked no better this morning so we called Cape Air to see if they were flying today. The response - "We're flying but all of our flights are delayed indefinitely." Translation - "If you want to get to Cape Cod you best find yourself a car and put the pedal to the metal."

So, that's how we've found ourselves on Route 3 in a lovely rental car with fingers crossed that the bridge traffic won't be too terrible (actually, our fingers and toes are crossed).

We're keeping our chins up and looking at this as a funny adventure - it's the only way to maintain sanity at this point.

Oh, and we found Anna's shoes - she had put them in the hotel bathroom's trash can. I guess that's as good a pace as any for safekeeping. They, along with the bloomers for her dress, were buried under dirty diapers, wipes and other trash.

At least we found's hoping our bags surface somewhere!

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