Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And We're Back...So Obviously We Made It...

We are now back at home after a very fun, albeit eventful trip to Cape Cod. To close the loose ends on the post below, we were reunited with our bags (they actually made it out on the only Cape Air flight that left on Friday and ended up arriving at Jason's parents before we did, thank goodness...)

We were greeted at the Bergstrom's by Grammy, clad in several beaded necklaces, which quickly became Anna's coveted items for the weekend. Rarely was she seen without her "cecklaces". One night, she woke up and was fit-to-be-tied until we gave her the necklaces (I removed them once she was fast asleep again...).

Much to our benefit, the weather decided to do a complete 180 and we had a string of gorgeous, sunshiny days. Perfect beach weather - and we spent our fair share of time on the sand. I love New England beaches because there always seems to be a breeze to help stave off the heat. It's the kind of weather where you can be comfortable in your bathing suit, or in a light sweatshirt, depending on if you are feeling hot- or cold-blooded that day.

The Bergstrom cousins also were up for the weekend and Anna really loves to hang around Olivia, Lars and Ty. She can't always keep up with them, but she tries. Although she could give them a run for their money in a popsicle eating contest...

Gangster Anna with Lars & Ty

For the 4th we had a lobster cookout and Anna donned her lobster eating outfit for the occasion. We went with FaFa to pick up the creatures - being a "local", he gets them straight from the lobsterman himself and they were fresh off the boat, literally, as they had been caught that morning around 4 a.m. or so. Anna didn't show too much interest in actually eating the lobsters. But she did enjoy the S'mores after dinner.

We also got to spend time with Jason's cousin Jimmy, his wife Lynn and thier kids Patrick, Ethan and Lily who were visiting from Michigan. We hadn't seen them in over five years and it was a shock to see how much their kids had grown. Lily, who was three last time we saw her, is now eight and was a real sweetheart with Anna. She helped me put Anna to bed and volunteered to read the bedtime stories. I think Anna enjoyed a new narrator.

We were scheduled to come back to Atlanta on Monday morning, but as the saying goes, the best laid plans...on Sunday night I was struck with an awful stomach bug and was not fit to travel on Monday. So, we got to spend an extra day on the Cape. Unfortunately I spent it mainly sleeping and hoping that I would feel normal again at some point. Jason and Anna had fun, though, and visited the Truro lighthouse and watched boats go in and out of the harbor. I forgot to put the camera in the bag for that outing...boo!

We made it back safe and sound this morning. So, even though the travel gurus were out to get us on this trip, we didn't let them spoil our fun. It was a great 4th of July!

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