We went to Florida for Memorial Day week and had a fantastic time with Gramma, Grandpa, Great Grandma Dodie, Aunt Maddie and Uncle David. Anna logged some good quality time with Gramma by joining the 3 year old Sunday school class my mom teaches and accompanying her to work one day.
Anna was absolutely enthralled by my parents' pool. I think it blew her mind that she could just walk outside and swim vs. having to pack up and drive to our neighborhood pool. We had to be careful because she beelined straight for the pool every chance she got...I'm glad that she loves the water but there is nothing like the panic of seeing a baby almost plunge into a pool accidentally. Anna seemed to get a kick out of making the grown-ups panic!
During this visit Anna sampled some delicacies mom had never purchased for her before. So, thank yous go out to Aunt Maddie for the introduction of Froot Loops and Gramma for buying cotton candy flavored yogurt. Both of which Anna LOVED (as you probably could have guessed).
We also made a trip to Butterfly World, a very peaceful place with thousands of butterflies, a lot of birds, gross bugs and beautiful flowers. We forced my brother David to come with us ladies, and I'm not sure he enjoyed it as much as we did. Especially after we toured the bug exhibit and noticed at the end of the tour that there were live, very large, uncaged spiders hanging out in all of the corners of the room. Sure there were signs saying the spiders wouldn't bother you if you didn't bother them, but still. Ick. We all had the creepy crawlies after leaving that place.
More pictures from the trip are below. Stay tuned for news on the basement remodel - we're almost there!!
Before: Anna happily petting the lorikeets.
After: Anna screaming hysterically when one of the lorikeets (gently) pecked her finger.
I didn't get any pictures of Anna and Grandpa, but rest assured he was always there entertaining her - especially by doing canonballs in the pool...
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