Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Before moving to Atlanta I had never paid much attention to pollen.  Having been blessed with a life free of allergies, the daily allergen level report meant nothing to me.  In Atlanta, however, you can't ignore pollen.  For a few weeks in the Spring it is everywhere.  The entire city has a golden sheen, blue cars turn green, and your throat becomes parched because of the amount of pollen you breathe in.

We've experienced record-breaking pollen counts this year and poor Anna has taken it on the chin.  Or rather, in the eyes.  She has sneezing fits, coughing, skin hives, and eyes as puffy as Rocky's after a fight.  So strange, considering it has not bothered her the last three years.  Allergy medicine and daily eyedrops have helped but I can't wait for "Pollen Season" to subside for her sake!

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