Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 Months and Rolling...

Well, the days keep flying by and unbelievably James is five months old.  The last month was a big one for James — he started rolling over, eating solids, and really interacting with the world around him. 

One thing we've learned about this little guy is that he likes to move.  When he rolls over he scoots around on his tummy and has become adept at getting to toys out of his reach.  And, inching around the perimeter of his crib.  Since he mastered rolling from back to tummy, he's become adept at scooching around the entire crib to explore, often at the expense of his sleep.

James also is reluctant to to sit still.  So, when you hold him you have to bounce, rock and sway to keep up with his actvity.  He likes to stand holding onto tables and toys and loves to play in his exersaucer.  A new favorite is the old fashioned "Johnny Jump Up" that allows him to bounce on his own.  All of this activity makes me think James will be an early walker...only time will tell if we'll need to batten down the hatches sooner rather than later.

Regardless of the activity James has a heart-melting, sweet smile on his face 99.9% of the time - which I've now managed to catch several times in pictures.  Who doesn't want to eat this boy up??

Showing some Red Sox love
Baths are still a favorite
Strong boy

Rolling over (the ominous shadow at the end is Tope)


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