So, we're very excited about the big day tomorrow. We hauled all of Anna's toys out of the living room so she is completely focused on her presents from the big guy. I'm sure we're much more eager than she is -- all she's going to want in the morning is her waffle and apple sauce. Oh, but she'll get so much more with mom, dad, grammy, fa fa and tope eagerly pushing wrapped baubles and bags at her. I'm sure she'll think we're crazy. If only we could know what will be going through her mind.
We don't have our traditions cemented in place, yet, but I'm sure they will come. This year we started simple with donning Santa pjs and setting out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. It's a good thing Gramma Turner sent us cookies, because I kind of dropped the ball there. Without the care package from Florida, Santa would have been munching on microwave popcorn. Anna thought the cookies and carrots were for her and tried to sneak in a few bites.
Tope also is a fan of Christmas, as the photo below shows. I swear she thinks we can't see her when she is under the tree.
Earlier in the evening we went to see our neighbors Bob & Linda for a Christmas Eve get together. They had relatives visiting who are musically inclined and we had a great time singing Christmas carols (even when we couldn't remember the words)...Thanks to Chuck and Evelyn, Anna danced her little heart out.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!