Monday, March 14, 2011

One Week Old

James is one week old today – ok, time for the cliche – time flies...

Someone asked me if I felt different the second time around and the resounding answer is yes!  Everything seems more relaxed with James, I guess because we knew what to expect.  Even the sleepless nights seem less intense (not that I like them!).  But, check back in a few weeks and I could be telling a different story when the support I've had/will have flies back to Florida or New England...

Having, "been there, done that," really helps.  I laugh to think of how frazzled I remember feeling with Anna.  Now I know James will be ok if he cries a little or if I don't hold him every second of the day.  It took me six weeks to realize that with Anna.  I remember literally having an epiphany one day while trying to figure out how I was going to take a shower without passing Anna off to Jason or my mom or mom-in-law.  Then I realized, oh wait, she can just sit in her bouncy seat.  That seemingly obvious fact changed my day-to-day activities with her and I think we were both happier in the long run!

But, back to James, on his one week birthday.  I know seven days is too short a time to try and derive any true personality traits from his behavior to date, but so far he has been a mellow baby (hopefully I'm not jinxing myself here).  He likes to eat and sleep (a lot...but not in long stretches, sadly), and so far he only cries when he is naked, so diaper changes are not up on his list of fun stuff to do.  Speaking of differences...the most shocking change has been in the diaper is the plumbing different this time!  Diaper changes require serious advance prep with gauze and vaseline and a check to make sure everything is pointed in the right direction.  We've had to do lots more laundry with James than I recall with Anna...

Here are some shots at one week - needless to say we are enamored! 

1 comment:

Allyson Balzuweit said...

I agree with you about those diaper changes! Jack must have gone through 6 or 7 outfits each day, and having to do the vaseline and gauze thing was quite a process. Be careful with your assessment of James being mellow...that's what we said about yakety-yak Jack!