Friday, May 25, 2012

Spring Fling

It's hard to believe, but Anna has finished her second year of preschool.  Her year as a Dolphin was filled with fun parties, field trips, crafts and homework sheets.  The preschool capped off the year with a "spring fling", an evening that provided many laughs while allowing each class to showcase some of what they had learned during the year.

As you'll see in the video below, the three year olds started and ended strong, but kind of lost it in the middle.  It was pretty entertaining.

Next year Anna heads to pre-K (unbelievable) at a new school, which she is very excited about.  Then it's off to kindergarten...oh  my.

Christmas party!
Puppet show field trip!
Playdoh in class!
Getting ready to perform
Anna took home her first trophy - second place for bringing in the most Box Tops in the school... ;)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Running Under the Rainbow

As the heat started to build this spring, the wait for our neighborhood pools to open seemed neverending.  So we turned to an old favorite - the backyard sprinklers.

The kids really enjoyed the romp through the sprinklers on this particular afternoon, and, the water and light aligned to give them a rainbow to run through.

And it beat the heat to boot!

Monday, May 14, 2012

All Boy

Each day James does something to remind me that he is ALL BOY.  A wild, rambunctious, loud, physical, silly, boy. 
Thinking back to Anna as a baby, she was by no means a docile, quiet child, but the memories I have make me realize she was a girly girl baby from the start.  Between the two of them, it is hard to not believe that gender differences are ingrained in us from the get-go.

Whereas Anna enjoyed being outside as a baby, she also was (and still is) content to sit and color a picture or do a puzzle.  James, on the other hand, points and squeals at the door everytime we get near it, groans when we pass it, sits patiently to have his shoes put on, and pretty much flings himself out of your arms once the door is opened.  He LOVES to be outside.  To just wander, pick up leaves, shout at dogs, and run.  He pushes the "big kid" bikes and scooters, turning a nose up at the pint-sized trike he could be riding.  (I know he's still young for coloring and puzzles!).

He also has no fear which has led to multiple close encounters with the sidewalk and driveway and some pretty impressive forehead goose eggs.  He also is too curious for his own good and has eaten soap and bugs, discovered where the laundry detergent is stored; he strives to reach the water dispenser on the refrigerator, pushes chairs and stools to aid him in his climbing efforts, opens every cabinet, and has a magnetic draw to the dishwasher and oven.  The oven is rather worrisome...

I climb on everything.
I'm hoping this early experience with soap leads James to have a clean mouth...
Admiring the neighbor's gear.
Stretching his independent legs.
A pro at wearing food
There's always time to flirt with pretty gals
LOTS of bumps and bruises
Outside + Water = Heaven

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to Me

Breakfast, flowers, handmade cards, Mother's Day this year was great.  And, looking at these pictures, I see everything I have to be thankful for in my life. Even if they don't always smile!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012